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إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

A Score to SettleArt and CultureFilmMohamed KareemNicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage (A Score to Settle ) With Mohamed Kareem

Thriller and excitement is currently screening in Egypt. A score to Settle is a film that achieves moderate success at the box office so far, especially in Egypt. This was achieved for more than one reason. Film crew

Nicolas Cage/ A Score to Settle
Nicolas Cage /A Score to Settle 

:Movie Events

A score to Settle tells the story of a veteran criminal who portrays his role as the international artist Nicholas Cage. He tries to take revenge on gangsters and mobs in action. The existence of a new relationship to his young son

A score to settle in general tells the story is not new, but the dependence of the scenes in these films not on the story, but on the action scenes and directed, which is always awaited especially Egyptian and Arab scenes because it has a deprivation of this quality of films and If more than one film was presented within the Arab world carrying the same nature of films, and that was still the West and especially the United States of America significantly superior in this type of films

A Score to Settle) Film crew) 

Creation: The film was written by (John Stuart Newman) and before the film Proud Mary in 2018 and presented to him the script and dialogue and he also wrote the film Get Shorty in 2017

Directed by: Sean Coe, a 69-year-old American dance designer and director

A Score to Settle

Nicolas Cage

He is a 55-year-old American actor who has represented many and many films that have affected the emotions of the scenes at the international and Arab level in particular, the most important of which were: Face off in 1997 with the star John Travolta and also Con Air in the same In 1997, and also the film "Leaving Las Vegas" in 1995, which won the Academy Award for best actor in the film and there are many of the many films in which Cage participated, but do not line up to mention all of them

Nicolas Cage
Nicolas Cage

It is worth mentioning that the great director Francis Ford Coppola is the uncle of Nicholas Cage and at first he was given some small roles, but the desire of Nicolas Cage  to achieve himself without compliments and rely on his talent only made him change his name to Nicholas Cage so that his name is not associated with the name of his uncle

Benjamin Pratt / Mohamed Kareem / Noah Le Gross / Carolina Weider and the young Egyptian actor Mohamed Kareem, who graduated from medical school, did not find much luck, but he hopes to have a major interest in international cinema. Many steps have already been taken and A Score to Settle will play a big role

  Nicolas Cage/Mohamed Karem
Nicolas Cage/Mohamed Kareem





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